Blogger Widgets

Thursday, 29 March 2012

The how of blogging

  • 15% of bloggers spend 10 or more hours each week blogging.
  • One in five bloggers report updating on a daily basis.
  • The most common rate of updating is 2-3 times per week.
  • The majority of blogs use tags (85%).
  • 13% say that they built their blogs themselves from scratch.
  • 59% of respondents use a free third party hosting service.
  • 82% of respondents say that they post photos to their blog, making images the most popular form of multimedia.
  • 13% of all respondents say that they never post any images/videos/audio to their blogs, preferring to just use text.
  • Of those who use media other than text, 73% say that that they also create the photos, video, or audio they post themselves about half of the time.
  • 75% of those who use syndication syndicate full content.
  • 20% of all users report having updating their blog or adding content from their mobile device.
  • 59% percent report doing so at least somewhat more this year than they did last year.
  • Fewer than 10% of bloggers say they don’t know the traffic to their blogs.
  • Bloggers participate in an average of 5 activities to drive traffic to their blogs.
  • On average 27% of a blogs page views come as referrals from a horizontal search engine.
  • 74% of all respondents use a third party service to track their site traffic. Google Analytics is by far the most popular tool in the space.

Monday, 26 March 2012

The Demographic of Bloggers

  • Two-thirds are male
  • 60% are 18-44
  • 75% have college degrees
  • 40% have graduate degrees
  • One in three has an annual household income of $75K+
  • One in four has an annual household income of $100K+
  • Professional and self-employed bloggers are more affluent: nearly half have an annual household income of $75,000 and one third topped the $100,000 level
  • More than half are married
  • More than half are parents
  • Half are employed full time, however ¾ of professional bloggers are employed full time.
  • Around half of bloggers are working on at least their second blog, and 68% have been blogging for two years or more
  • 86% have been blogging for at least a year
Thank you to the future buzz for these stats and research!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

After doing a bit of research i decided to find out what the most popular blog in the world is The Huffington post which is like a newspaper online. It was launched May 9, 2005 by  Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, Andrew Breitbart and Jonah Peretti featuring columnists and various news sources. Since then this blog like website has rocketed and is said to have more then 54 million visitors a month. I hope the one day my blog can achieve this. Thanks for the support

Friday, 2 March 2012

Blogs first appeared in the 1990's and were used as a sort personal diary for who ever wanted to use it. Justin Hall began blogging in 1994 while in Swarthmore college. He is recognised as one of the early bloggers. At the start blogs were very simple, you typed something in and pressed post, now a days we have alot more control over our blogs and can do things such as design, add gadgets and also see where people have been looking at our blogs. This si how blogs have developed over time

Monday, 27 February 2012

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Hello my name is James and i have decided to make a blog. My blog with be teaching people about the Geography of Blogs, I hope you will stick around and listen to what i have to say. Thank you