- Two-thirds are male
- 60% are 18-44
- 75% have college degrees
- 40% have graduate degrees
- One in three has an annual household income of $75K+
- One in four has an annual household income of $100K+
- Professional and self-employed bloggers are more affluent: nearly half have an annual household income of $75,000 and one third topped the $100,000 level
- More than half are married
- More than half are parents
- Half are employed full time, however ¾ of professional bloggers are employed full time.
- Around half of bloggers are working on at least their second blog, and 68% have been blogging for two years or more
- 86% have been blogging for at least a year
Keep up the good work Jod !
ReplyDeletewhoa ! that changed my life james xx